Monday, October 12, 2009

Question For An Experienced Web Developer Regarding FTP..?

I am rather novice when it comes to site creation. I created a basic info site that has 4 pdf%26#039;s and one mp3 file on it.

When a viewer clicks on the link for the mp3 it opens and just plays the audio over the main page, thus not allowing the visitor to both listen to the audio and continue to browse.

That said -- What I would ideally like to do is set it up so that the viewer, when clicking on the mp3 link, are able to listen to the audio (on a 2nd page?) all while being able to maneuver our site.

Would I use my hosts FTP to create a 2nd domain to host JUST the audio? And if so -- How do I set an audio link on Page #1 that would route the visitor to Page #2?

Any help would be awesome, thanks!!!

Question For An Experienced Web Developer Regarding FTP..?

I don%26#039;t think this is possible using ftp... you could use a http (edit: i meant to say html, it shouldn%26#039;t matter what type of protocol it uses.) frontend and make the link open in a different tab/page or embed it. im not an experienced web developer so i could be wrong.

Question For An Experienced Web Developer Regarding FTP..?

The user above basically has it right. Just have them click on a link to listen to it that opens a new window with that mp3. If you want you can even design a page for that small pop mp3 page. To have it open in a new browser just use %26lt;a href=";yourmp3location%26quot;" target=%26quot;_blank%26quot;%26gt;Listen to mp3%26lt;/a%26gt;

or use in javascript.

Now just make a quick page that runs that mp3 in that pop up.

Other Replys:To make an audio file play on your website without obstructing page view, you could make the audio file play upon page load.

Your visitor will not have to click anything to make it play.

The only thing about this is that when your visitor changes pages, the audio will stop briefly when the page closes and restart again when the next page loads.The code that you use to load the audio on pageload will need to be on every page that you want the audio to play.

The plus thing here is that you can have a different audio file play on each page, if you like.



//specify FULL path to midi

var musicsrc=%26quot;

if (navigator.appName==%26quot;Microsoft Internet Explorer%26quot;)

document.write(%26#039;%26lt;bgsound src=%26#039;+%26#039;%26quot;%26#039;+musicsrc+%26#039;%26quot;%26#039;+%26#039; loop=%26quot;infinite%26quot;%26gt;%26#039;)


document.write(%26#039;%26lt;embed src=\%26quot;%26#039;+musicsrc+%26#039;\%26quot; hidden=%26quot;true%26quot; border=%26quot;0%26quot; width=%26quot;20%26quot; height=%26quot;20%26quot; autostart=%26quot;true%26quot; loop=%26quot;true%26quot;%26gt;%26#039;)



I hope this helps

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