Ok, Well first off i have an idea for a new website.... it probably is dumb and wont work, but i want to build a website with my spare time and try to make something of it...
Here is my idea:
I want to build a %26quot;Online American Idol%26quot; site in sort of ways.... I have not worked out all the details but i want it to go like this- every week their will be a new %26quot;song of the week%26quot;, and people will send in videos/voice recordings of them singing the song... everyone will vote for who they think is the best and the winner at the end of each week will win a certain amount of money. idk if any of this makes any sense but i want to try it...
Now, i need help how do i go about building a site like this.. obviously i need a host..but my biggest concern is video sharing host%26#039;s. how much are they?
Everyone please leave their opinion on this, and any advice is very welcomed..
I have a question about my new web site idea.?
that is quite the the website you want to build. you basically need a lot of web space and really good coding skills to make a website that complicated. it will probably cost you anywhere from 5 to 20 or more dollars a month for the space depending on how much you want.
I have a question about my new web site idea.?
Good idea. You can find step by step guide on how to create a website at website like http://oktutorial.com/webdesign.htm
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