I don%26#039;t want to sign-up as web-host with those big companies because they take more than 50%. Can I just provide my own show without a website? any suggestions or some good informations are appreciated.
Can I make some $$$$ w/my webcam live show on my own?
It%26#039;s sometimes a hard decision, whether to work for yourself as a freelancer or work for a company. This is the case no matter what the line of work.
For your work, advertising is a big issue. You will definitely need a website - mainly for processing payments. Advertising plus web site design and programming is a big deal. It%26#039;s not my expertise, you will have to ask others what the costs will be like.
One good thing about the big company is that you can test the water without a large upfront cost. If things go well, try your own website later.
Can I make some $$$$ w/my webcam live show on my own?
What kind of webcam show?
My ISP gives me so much webspace every month, and no limit on upload/download.
Feel free to e-mail me at davelennv@yahoo.com, and I will try and assist you.
Other Replys:Yes you can setup your own website However I have all ways considered this kind of money maker ill advised at best and in some cases even very dangerous...
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