Saturday, October 24, 2009

Could someone please explain to me the error and how to fix?

I need to know what I can do to fix this. My web host is unresponsive thus far.

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can%26#039;t create a new thread (errno 11). If you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /home/bugonptc/public_html/includes/mysq... on line 33

Database error: Link-ID == false, connect failed

MySQL Error: 0 ()

Session halted.

Could someone please explain to me the error and how to fix?

This error is usually encountered when you do not have enough memory or one of your memory limits/connection limits needs to be modified. One workaround solution is to edit your etc/my.cnf file to something like what is listed below... THIS IS AN EXAMPLE.


set-variable = max_connections=1000

set-variable = key_buffer_size=384M

set-variable = read_buffer_size=64M

set-variable = read_rnd_buffer_size=32M

set-variable = thread_cache_size=20




Adjust these values and it should solve your problem. If it doesn%26#039;t, check to make sure that you are using enough memory and that you are not creating a memory leak elsewhere.

Solving the first problem will probably correct the second problem.

Lastly, always make sure you clean up your connections as a matter of good coding as well as preventing possible memory leaks. You might have just exhausted your connections if you haven%26#039;t been closing them.

I hope this helps and good luck!

Could someone please explain to me the error and how to fix?


That means your mysql is not connecting. Maybe incorrect passwords or user name. It is also saying that the database you are looking for does not exist.

Other Replys:I receive great computer help thru a newsletter every thursday with a link to ask %26amp; search for your problem. It%26#039;s called %26quot;ask the computer lady%26quot;.

There are also groups here on yahoo that are computer help-just go to groups.

If you are operating a system of windows, go to tools, then go to windows update, in the right top corner of page is a blank search space. Type in a few words relating to your search, and can also use the help link from the windows/microsoft site. Sign up for updates weekly delivered to your email addess %26amp; will always be easy to access %26amp; they will fix things automatically that aren%26#039;t operating correctly on your %26#039;puter

Another place to try on your own is control panel, it will let you ask a question for help %26amp; give you answers referring to your question.

I had an OS problem last yr, so took my tower to my local %26#039;puter shop. Cost me $59 and they removed %26amp; cleaned back as new condition. When doing this option, always take your computer book %26amp; any programs you have installed on CD %26amp; they will reinstall %26amp; have it working fast as lightening. Also don%26#039;t change things when they do this, they return it to how the system is made to operate.

Good luck, nothing like a frozen or non responsive computer.

Other Replys:do you start mysql?

Try to check the parameters login, passaword, host

use easyphp and chec if the services apache and mysql starts

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