Monday, October 12, 2009

401 The web site is blocked by administrator?

Well at home, apparently the website runescape is blocked, stating the message in the title of this question. I believe (more than likely) that the administrator account on our other comp, which is the host internet connection, is the one which blocked it.

I have tried every unblocking website, but when I get to the log in page, it just says: Page not found, or something like that. I need to know anything that:

A. may unblock it permanently

B. unblock it temporarily

PS: I have a Mac comp, and the host comp is windows.

401 The web site is blocked by administrator?

Try another kool site like GoHidden ( ) - myspace sucks anyway.

401 The web site is blocked by administrator?

The mac connecting to a windows computer might be the problem as the two aren%26#039;t compatible. Otherwise, I don%26#039;t know how to fix this problem.

Other Replys:401 is the error code for a missing page, not a block. Are you sure it%26#039;s not just a custom 401 page? It sounds like it%26#039;s on their end, not yours.

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