Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why is the PHP file content printed instead of runned?

I have Apache/MySQL/PHP on Windows XP.

I want my PHP files to behave in my computer like in web host.

I open a PHP file with FF and its content is printed!

Why is the PHP file content printed instead of runned?

It seems you have not configured your Web server (apache) for PHP. Try like.. I%26#039;ve got this from PHP manual...

PHP and Apache 2.0 on Windows

Consider to read the Windows specific notes for Apache 2.0.


Apache 2.0 is designed to run on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. At this time, support for Windows 9x is incomplete. Apache 2.0 is not expected to work on those platforms at this time.

Download the most recent version of Apache 2.0 and a fitting PHP version from the above mentioned places. Follow the Manual Installation Steps and come back to go on with the integration of PHP and Apache.

There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache 2.0 on Windows. One is to use the CGI binary the other is to use the Apache module DLL. In either case you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your httpd.conf to configure Apache to work with PHP.

You need to insert these three lines to your Apache httpd.conf configuration file to set up the CGI binary: Example 3-7. PHP and Apache 2.0 as CGI

ScriptAlias /php/ %26quot;c:/php/%26quot;

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Action application/x-httpd-php %26quot;/php/php.exe%26quot;

If you would like to use PHP as a module in Apache 2.0, be sure to move php4ts.dll for PHP 4, or php5ts.dll for PHP 5, to winnt/system32 (for Windows NT/2000) or windows/system32 (for Windows XP), overwriting any older file. You need to insert these two lines to your Apache httpd.conf configuration file to set up the PHP-Module for Apache 2.0: Example 3-8. PHP and Apache 2.0 as Module

; For PHP 4 do something like this:

LoadModule php4_module %26quot;c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll%26quot;

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

; For PHP 5 do something like this:

LoadModule php5_module %26quot;c:/php/sapi/php5apache2.dll%26quot;

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Note: Remember to substitute the c:/php/ for your actual path to PHP in the above examples. Take care to use either php4apache2.dll or php5apache2.dll in your LoadModule directive and notphp4apache.dll or php5apache.dll as the latter ones are designed to run with Apache 1.3.x.

Why is the PHP file content printed instead of runned?

Have you configured Apache to parse PHP? If you check your PHP folder, you will find a file called install.txt. It has a section on configuring PHP on Apache.


You%26#039;re on your way...

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